
relationships change kindness emotions self-improvement: More than just a teacup: Years ago my grandmother brought me home a teacup from London. I still have and cherish that teacup today. It symbolizes her love for me. She has long since passed on, but that beautiful cup reminds me that she thought about me. Recently, my partner purchased me my dream car. I have dreamed of owning this car since I was 16. Each time I get into my car and look at the emblem on the steering wheel, I am reminded of his love for me. It reminds me of how much he cherishes me. It also reminds me of how much I cherish him. Do you think of your partner as a treasure to be cherished? Oct-17-2018

More than just a teacup

Years ago my grandmother brought me home a teacup from London. I still have and cherish that teacup today. It symbolizes her love for me. She has long since passed on, but that beautiful cup reminds me that she thought about me. Recently, my partner purchased me my dream car. I have dreamed of owning this car since I was 16. Each time I get into my car and look at the emblem on the steering wheel, I am reminded of his love for me. It reminds me of how much he cherishes me. It also reminds me of how much I cherish him. Do you think of your partner as a treasure to be cherished?

All too often we get so absorbed in the world and things. Our attention is often whisked away by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram. We lose valuable moments with our partner that we can never get back. How do you value your partner? Do you think of your partner as a treasure?


Tips for a successful relationship

The following are some things to ponder and do to improve your relationship:

  • Every day tell your partner, I love you and I am proud of you.
  • Find your partner doing good. The more that you find your partner doing good the higher they will rise.
  • Be free with your compliments.
  • Keep the compliments coming.
  • Express your love every day — Yesterday’s I love you’s are not enough (think Steven Covey emotional bank account) Keep the emotional accounts full.
  • Your partner doesn’t know what you are thinking... don’t expect them to be mind readers.
  • A compliment is not a compliment until it is spoken, speak them often.
  • Your words can lift your partner and they can tear them down. Choose your words carefully.
  • Kind words are the glue to any relationship. Be Kind.
  • One of men’s greatest needs is for the wife to be proud of him (respect and admiration). Are you your partner’s greatest fan?
  • Everyone needs praise and approval. Give praise liberally.
  • What would your relationship look like if you told your partner your were proud of them and expressed it to them?
  • Don’t withhold your praise.
  • Find three things you do like about your partner, and tell them.
  • Build each other up, give each other love, value and respect.
  • When you say mean hurtful and disrespectful things not only are you putting them down you are pushing yourself down.
  • Always start your day by complementing your partner.
  • Remember the reasons you feel in love.
  • Be able to say I am sorry. Avoid the use of the words if or but. When we use those words everything said before it becomes null and void.
  • Apologies matter. They are part of the repair process.

At the end of each day we teach others how we want to be treated by the way we treat them. How do you want to be treated by your partner? Change is a mighty fickle thing. The only thing we can truly change is ourselves. We can change our relationships by changing the things in ourselves that we can. Often when we look for the good in others we find the good in ourselves. The most important action one can take to improve our relationships is to be kind.

marriage counseling and sex therapy will improve your relationship

Chris Wilhoite MA, CST, C-PST Marriage, Relationship, and Certified Sex Therapist

Founder of Littleton Couple’s Counseling. Chris enjoys being in nature, hiking, paddle boarding, and cooking.

Read More about Chris Wilhoite MA, CST, C-PST