
ADHD autism mindset: Systemic troubleshooting around the neurotypical/divergent condition: Some people tell me I view everything through a neurodivergent lens. Yes. Yes, I do. Jun-14-2024

Systemic troubleshooting around the neurotypical/divergent condition

Some people tell me I view everything through a neurodivergent lens. Yes. Yes, I do.

Most people assume I do that because ADHD and autism are my specialty and “because I have a hammer, everything is a nail.” Few people take the time to ask and learn the why: if I can rule in/rule out ADHD or autism, the rest of the journey can be so much straight-forward.

Consider when your computer or phone stops working. What’s wrong? The first step is a hardware diagnostic. If the issue is hardware, all the software fixes in the world will not make a difference. If the issue is not hardware, replacing a working battery won’t make a difference.

I propose we start with some systematic troubleshooting of the human in front of us.

  1. is the presenting issue developmental or physiological?
  2. is the presenting issue biological or neurochemical?
  3. if the person has ADHD or autism, is the presenting issue a complex comorbidity or simply an adaptation of ADHD or autism?

This list is not exhaustive, I hope it helps make my point.

When the presenting issue is simply an adaptation of ADHD or autism, no amounts of anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medications will provide long-term relief. I encounter people who have been taking anti-anxiety or anti-depressant meds for years and still can’t find a long-term positive change in their lives.

Here we reach one of the saddest and most preventable parts of the neurodivergent problem: all the health professionals and prescribers who cannot/will not change and grow to understand the entirety of the presenting issue sitting in front of them. Instead, they prescribe an unneeded med as they hurry through their over-scheduled day.

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Tommy Underhill TTCD, ASDCS, ASDI Sex, Adult ADHD & Adult Autism

Tommy specializes in working with adults with ADHD and autism through a neurophysiological lens for social, relational, and sex issues. He oversees the long-term and strategic management for Littleton Couple’s Counseling. His entrepreneurship and small business management and operations span more than 30 years. Tommy is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Psychosexual Therapy. In his spare time, he runs a halfway house for wayward and abused orchids.

Read More about Tommy Underhill TTCD, ASDCS, ASDI